Friday, December 27, 2019

Essay on Cis Memory Management - 1577 Words

CIS:328 Abstract The purpose of this paper is to show how memory is used in executing programs and its critical support for applications. C++ is a general purpose programming language that runs programs using memory management. Two operating system environments are commonly used in compiling, building and executing C++ applications. These are the windows and UNIX / Linux (or some UNIX / Linux derivative) operating system. In this paper we will explore the implementation of memory management, processes and threads. Memory Management What is a Memory Model? A memory model allows a compiler to perform many important optimizations. Even simple compiler optimizations like loop fusion move statements in the program can influence the†¦show more content†¦Other functions need to be used to segment the virtual memory pages into useful segments. Since virtual memory is allocated by pages, a number of special paging features can be used on virtual memory that cannot be used on other types of memory. For instance, pages can be locked (to prevent read/write access), or they can be protected from any particular access mode (read, write, execute). Heap memory and allocating a memory block Each program is provided with a default process heap, but a process may optionally allocate any number of additional heaps, if more storage is needed. The heap functions will manage their virtual memory usage automatically, and therefore heaps can be set to grow if they are being filled up with data. If a heap is allowed to grow automatically, the heap functions will automatically allocate additional pages as needed. On the x86 architecture the heap grows in size towards higher memory addresses. To use heap memory, a heap must first be allocated (or a handle must be obtained to the default heap). Once you have obtained a handle to a heap, you can pass that handle to the memory allocation functions, to allocate memory from that particular heap. Managing process specific memory The cpu executes a large number of programs while its main concern is the excution of uer programs, the cpu is also needed for other system activities. These activities arecalled processs. A process is a program in execution. Typically a batch job is a process.Show MoreRelatedIndividual Success and Importance of EI and CI1587 Words   |  7 Pagesare number of notations and abbreviations used for both such as CI, IQ, EI and EQ. This essay will use the abbreviations of EI and CI for emotional intelligence and cognitive intelligence respectively. Kreitner and Kinicki (2013) refer to EI as the ability to manage oneself and social relationships in mature and constructive ways. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Different Theoretical Motivations Of The Company s Future...

ABSTRACT Most employers want their employees enthusiasm and ready Work, but do not understand what really motivates a person. The company could be if a more efficient Employees worked in the company s future investment interest. Necessary requirements Meet people, especially employees, to succeed in the workplace. I will examine Different theoretical motivations, how they are related to work, and how employers Implement the theory, ensure a pleasant and motivating employees. The most important theories include: two-factor hierarchy of needs theory, Herzberg In theory, Aristotle seven reasons, as well as different types of motivation. Related to each theory In fact, there are all the people, in order to meet the demand. Every employee is at different stages of their Life, which requires different management methods. This suggests that the motivation must come From employees. The survey will help the theory describes how managers can Their employees affected unyielding faith, and to produce th e best work possible. There are two specific types of motivation: the financial and non-financial. I will focus on How employers can encourage the use of financial instruments and their employees, as well as non-financial Recognition. In this day, there is no money to spend forever in a rich amount Motivation, so managers can learn how to make their employees feel it is very important Importantly without breaking the bank. Both types require a strategic approach to be executedShow MoreRelatedOrganizational Issues Affecting The Workplace1255 Words   |  6 PagesUnfortunately, through the success of being able to complete assignments in reasonable time it s not without complications. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Market Economy vs Planned Economy free essay sample

The market economy is not run by a high authority. Instead it is run by many individuals regarding production, consumption and work. * The market is free and prices can be of a wide range * The market economy is intended for a middle/upper class. This is because people can earn as much money as they want, upper class people don’t have to distribute a profit evenly. * The theory of the market economy is to give people the capability to earn as much money as they want and do what they believe is in their best interest e. . a modern citizen designs a product and keeps 80 % of the profit and leaves the 20% precent of the profit to be evenly spread between the workers. * The market economy doesn’t cater for the poor, the sick, the disabled and the old age people. * The high authority cannot control how much is produced or how much the product will be sold for e. g. companies can produce as much as they like and make as many colours as they like. | * The Market economy is run by a high authority. It is usually the Government e. g. North Korea’s, he/she controls how the economy operates. * The Government makes a decision on the price of goods and services. * The Planned economy is aimed at a lower/middle class. This is because people’s incomes are evenly distributed by the Government so there is a small chance a person can become richer than another. * The theory of the planned economy is to ensure an equal amount of credit is given to everyone that contributes to making the economy greater e. g. companies distributing the credit for producing socks. The planned economy gives an equal amount of income to everyone which helps the sick, the old, the weak and the disabled * The high authority decides how much is going to be produced, in what way and the amount of profit that given to the labourers e. g. there is a t-shirt company, the government enforces the rules about how many is made, what colour and the income of the labourers| Information used from http://www. oppapers. com/essays/Market-Vs-Plan ned-Economy/160245 Use as source http://www. twq. com/04autumn/docs/04autumn_crocker. pdf Market Economy Effectiveness The success of the market economy is that the public can have private ownership of a company, â€Å"the prices of goods and services are set by the supply and demand of goods and services† http://www. differencebetween. com/difference-between-command-economy-and-vs-market-economy/ , This means that the market is free and there is no other organisation that can intervene with the way it functions. The economic problem â€Å"An economic problem is basically the problem of choice which arises because of scarcity of resources. † http://www. preservearticles. com/201104115229/what-is-an-economic-problem-and-why-does-it-arises. tml â€Å"The economic problem emerges because our desire for goods and services to consume is greater than our ability to produce those goods and services. The demand for goods and services arises from human wants. † http://faculty. etsu. edu/hipples/ProbSys. htm, these definitions mean that the producers cannot keep up with the demand for good s and services because of the limited amount of resources. The level of per capita income in a market economy is high because the profit of organisations goes towards the economy, the owner/CEO, and the employees. If the income distributed to the workers increases then they are motivated and more productive as they realise the harder they work the more money they make. This can have a major effect on the economy because the more the income earned the more will be spent on goods and services which provides more work for others. The businesses itself supports the economy by spending money on shares and spend more on wants such as new technology and resources to run the company, they also lend money and invest money. The way the Market economy handles the economic problem is by increasing and decreasing the price of goods and services with use of resources and discovery of new resources. The market economy creates wide competition so prices can be cheap creating more demand and eliminating competition. The market economy allows for infinite products to be introduced, the prices of these affects the way the consumers think about the quality and cost of the goods. The availability to goods and services in a market economy are huge because of the new businesses being created every year offering new products. The market economy is packed with new businesses offering new products. The public’s demand for products increases every year, as technology grows the public get induced and buy, buy, buy. This creates business opportunities for many, meaning a great access to a wide variety of products. Usually law and order in a Market economy is balanced to suit the public’s needs. In America there is plenty of policemen, lawyers and judges. The amount of youth crime in America is show on the website http://bjs. gov/content/pub/pdf/iscs11. df , the site states â€Å"In 2009 about 31 precent of grade 9-12 reported they had been in a physical fight at least once during the previous 12 months†, the website https://www. ncjrs. gov/pdffiles1/ojjdp/233581. pdf displays a graph. This graph indicates that the crime rate of youths depleted from 1996 to 2001 but then sharply rose. This indicates that the education in America is needs to be enforced stronger. The environmental quality in a market economy The social reform in a market economy is that it offers a lot of choice and sustainability. It provides an environment where people can afford more than needs such as health care, education and housing. It provides a better life for its workers. An example of this would be In Japan many people are born in a hospital and another example would be that it is compulsory for students to go to school and get proper standard of education. This economy increases education through the need for smarter people to create businesses and new technology and ideas, in the businesses other highly educated people are needed e. g. Scientists, economists, teachers, computer experts and architects. The education in a market economy may have a variety of factors which make the education higher or lower in a country, the amount of schools, the skill level of teachers and the attitude of the students. The amount of schools is affected by resources, builders and designers. High educated people are needed for designing a building. The skill level at which teachers are taught may affect the education and in a market economy teachers are paid highly in return for the use of their skills in a school environment. The attitude of the students really depends on what they want to achieve in life and also their family, their family may alter their view on what they want to achieve. Information about market economy the public have free rights to create a business/company. This is important in our economy as it relies on businesses to fuel the economy through employment, shares, imports and exports. The right to create a company can increase or decrease employment, for example a building may need to expand so it hires more people, increasing inflation. The building may need to cut some employees, decreasing inflation. An important characteristic of the market economy is it allows â€Å"Private ownership of property through the existence and enforcement of private property rights†, Year 11 economics 2011, pg 40. The market economies have a high standard of living because everyone has the right to earn as much money as they like. The companies that create the products will have to increase and decrease their prices as peoples income goes up and down, this raises the amount of competition. The government has made a policy where a company can only set a price between what the government’s policy says, this policy is also referred as price dog. This prevents large businesses creating a monopoly and exposing its producers. It also allows for smaller companies to compete. The country Syria is about to transform a planned economy to a market economy. According to ‘Hard choices for the government. Economist’, the change will have a massive raise in the cost for lifes needs: food, water and clothing. The planned economy it was in showed that everyone had job to pay for these essentials even though wages were fairly low. The Syrian Government is in need of money so this is its way out. But in the long run everything will catch up making a securer economy, the income of people will raise due to foreign investment creating more employment in areas such as oil and agriculture. The U. S is putting slight pressure on the government to change as it will increase the value of the American dollar because of foreign investment. The Syrian dollar might raise slightly but no where near as much as the Australian dollar or American Dollar. When finite resources are found the market economy will show an increased raise in the GDP for example, Australia was heading for a depression in 2007 but then large amounts of finite resources were found, which increased the Gross Domestic Products sold raising the dollar. The Government does very little for the Economy such as ensuring a standard level of competition and putting money from businesses back into the economy. Planned Economy The planned economy has special processes involved it, it is run usually by some high authority such as the government (North Korea’s Dictator) or other people of high authority. The powerful leader sets prices for particular goods and services. Many economists will define a planned economy as â€Å"the production of goods and services when it is needed. † http://www. differencebetween. com/difference-between-command-economy-and-vs-market-economy/ The level of per capita income in a planned economy is balanced because as the communist manifesto states â€Å"everyone earns the same amount of income†. The Government takes a piece of everyone’s incomes and spends it on things in its national interest, some of which are dams, recruiting people into the Amy, agriculture, education and basic medical needs. The balance of income is positive because people’s needs are met first. An example of a country with a balanced income would be North Korea. Every single person earn $1,800(International Currency) per annum according to the CIA world fact book, the information is from 2004(www. cia. gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2004rank. html ). What this does to the North Korean economy is lower the price of goods and services making them more affordable for the people. Information about Planned Economy In a planned economy, usually a communist country, the Government decides, based on what their goals are, the amount of goods and services that are to be produced, the price of products, the process in which the product is distributed and the income of the public. The Government sets a goal for industries and companies for the amount of products to be produced and how they are produced e. g. The Government may say to a shoe company we need you to make 3,000,000 pairs of shoes within 7 weeks, and you must produce them in this way and must only distribute them to these people. The price of products is affected by the government, this can be a positive because prices help prevent wastage of resource, and they act as signalling devices to producers and consumers to adjust their economic behavior† See PowerPoint list in refernces. The Government can control the price of g + s if it thinks the g + s will rise too much causing lower demand by the public. The employment is broken down into three sectors: Primary, econdary and tertiary. A country like Cuba would have more primary industry wokers rather than tertiary workers because education would be low, everyone would have to get a job so most would resort to work where little experience is needed. A country with like America would have more tertiary and secondary workers because America has a free market, which gives opp ortunity for everyone to make income and education is high. Income is set according to the job profession and cannot be increased (it is decided by the government when to be increased and not by the organisation). The Government decides how much of the public’s income should be taxed. The range of a particular a good e. g. pants were limited so only one brand maybe produced. In a planned economy â€Å"selection was restricted to the source of goods and services and private decision making in regards to employment, job area and choice of work environment was also strictly limited. † http://www. enotes. com/centrally-planned-economy-reference/centrally-planned-economy The benefits of having a centrally planned economy . â€Å"The production of goods and services cannot be brought about by the people through demand. Because the state possesses all the products produced, people that contributed to the profit will get an equal amount of money; this ensures no one is subject to an unjust amount of money e. g. a company earns 50 dollars profit and the CEO get %80 and the rest of the workers evenly get a part of the remaining %20. People cannot bring about the production of goods and services through demand. * Because the state owns all of the factor of production, any profit can be re-distributed so that the people who contribute to the profit can benefit from it. Refernces Hard choices for the government. Economist, 00130613, 1/22/2011, Vol. 398, Issue 8717 Essay The quality of life is higher in a market economy than a planned economy. The level of income per capita in a market economy is sophisticated and efficient creating profit, whilst the planned economy lacks the structure of distribution of income to people. The education provides a demand for highly educated people performing specific tasks, whilst a planned economy barely delivers some skilled people. The health care in a Market economy provides the best medical services but costs, the planned economy offers a balanced health care system. The market economies’ sophisticated distribution of income within a market economy is much more efficient than a planned economies distribution of income. The level of per capita income in a market economy is high because the profit of organisations goes towards the economy, the owner/CEO, and the employees. If the income distributed to the workers increases then they are motivated and more productive as they realise the harder they work the more money they make. This can have a major effect on the economy because the more the income earned, the more will be spent on goods and services which provides more work for others. The businesses itself supports the economy by spending money on shares and spend more on wants such as new technology and resources to run the company, they also lend money and invest money. The planned economy distributes a large percentage of the profit to the government and the rest is distributed equally amongst the workers, and this can cause a dramatic change in the increase and decrease of inflation in a country, which can cause unpredicted resulting in a depression. But an unequal distribution of income can also create problems â€Å"High inequality threatens a country’s political stability because more people are dissatisfied with their economic status, which makes it harder to reach political consensus among population groups with higher and lower income† The profit from organisations goes equally towards CEO’S and employees. In effect the motivation of the CEO’S and employees goes down because they cannot work harder towards a better goal thus the economy will start to destruct. The jobs in a planned economy are scarce â€Å"selection was restricted to the source of goods and services and private decision making in regards to employment, job area and choice of work environment was also strictly limited. †. Since the government decides what can and cannot be made certain jobs are restricted . e. g. since there are a small amount of factories in Cuba, jobs will be limited. But everyone receives a job even if it is not what they decide. In planned economy the peoples basic needs are to be met, the profit from the goods are services is controlled by government. In both economies there is a high demand for highly skilled employees. This economy increases education standard through the need for smarter people to create businesses and new technology and ideas, in the businesses other highly educated people are needed e. g. Scientists, economists, teachers, computer experts and architects. The education in a market economy may have a variety of factors which make the education standard higher or lower in a country, the number of schools, the skill level of teachers and the attitude of the students. The number of schools is affected by resources, builders and designers. High educated people are needed for designing a building. The skill level at which teachers are taught may affect the education and in a market economy teachers are paid highly in return for the use of their skills in a school environment. The attitude of the students really depends on what they want to achieve in life and also their family, their family may alter their view on what they want to achieve. An education in a planned economy is equal among all students and the benefit of this is everyone receives the same education promoting a country with fair opportunity for learning. In planned economy students may not acquire the base line education to achieve a specific goal e. g. all schools in Cuba may not teach physics, making it hard on students to become a pilot or astronaut. Some planned economies offer a prestigious education in some areas e. g. Cuba has highly educated doctors which are constantly being hired by other countries. Schools are run by the government, are free and compulsory, which means less burden on families. Schools provide free uniform and free meals for students. The universities are also free, that means students can access education based on their merit without the financial burden. The two economies provide highly educated doctors part health care systems, both are efficient in different ways The Market economy provides a very efficient health care system, but only for those that can afford it. There is no public health care system in a market economy, instead there are many private healthcare companies, these often are high in cost. America is close to having a market economy but they have a somewhat health care system but it is not very efficient because of the lack of doctors as most work for private health companies. Australia on the other hand has a well-structured health care system as everyone.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Saving Grace Essays - Biology, Natural Environment, Habitat

Saving Grace Saving Grace There are some people who believe that the United States strictly forced endangered species laws seriously hamper our economy. I on the other hand must disagree. The endangered species laws were created for an important reason: to protect our earths biological diversity. Whenever humanity interferes with the ecosystem for the purpose of economic growth it tears it apart piece by piece. It is for reasons like these we must have such stringent laws, as in the Endangered Species Act. The fact of the matter is that a problem exists. Many policy-makers and forest industry representatives argue that the current forest and wildlife conditions constitute a forest health crisis. (Peters, Frost, s scientific research team stated that destruction of habitats, and species extinction are two of the four most critical global environmental issues. (Biodiversity, 1999). As can be seen, companies who destroy the ecosystem for economic gain are creating irreversible problems that future laws cannot correct. To prevent further problems from occurring we must maintain all biodiversity laws. The basis of the laws are to protect all life, including all human life; and are crucial for present and future generations. (Biodiversity, 1999). The federal government has taken charge of this situation, most notably through its endangered species protection efforts. (Biodiversity, 1999). This has become a controversial, but necessary step in protection our ecosystem and all of the valuable resources it has to offer. Understanding those environmental issues are subjects of disagreement arising from different perspectives and values; the controversy of economic gain verse ecological conservation is not easily settled. I support wildlife preservation to prevent extinction. I believe without these laws that we as humans will suffer greatly, because we would be unable to reap the benefits of the ecosystem. Furthermore I agree with the congressional findings thatvarious species of fish, wildlife, and plants have been rendered extinct as a consequence of economic growth and development untempered by adequate concern and conservation.(OLaughlin, 1998). In conclusion the benefit to humanity of preserving the environment ensuring that biodiversity is monitored and cannot be destroyed. Humans are a part of the natural world and as such we must strive to connect with it. The continued loss of natural habitat disconnects us from this world and decreases out awareness of nature. Humans are the guardians of this world and all of its natural beauty; therefore, we must protect it at all costs. Environmental Issues

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A Complete Student’s Guide to Religious Studies Essays

A Complete Student’s Guide to Religious Studies Essays Religious studies is a popular college class. While religious studies classes are not usually required, taking one of these classes can be an eye-opening experience. Learning about other religions can help students to better understand the culture and values of the religious group members. Occasionally religious studies can also be a high school elective class. For the sake of this article, we will use tips and examples that are suitable for both college and high school religious studies essays. Religious Studies Essays: What’s Behind Them There are four basic types of essays that can be used in high school or college classes: narratives, descriptive essays, expository essays, and persuasive essays. Essays are usually based on a student’s opinion and backed up with facts. Each type of essay can be used in religious studies classes. Let’s take a look at how. The first of these essays are narrative essays. Narrative essays tell a story, usually based on a student’s life. Descriptive language, the use of adjectives and dialogue, helps to make the story more vivid. For this type of essay to be used in a religious studies class, a student could write about their experience with their religion or with people who follow other religions. However, when writing these kinds of essays, it is important to not be derogatory towards people of other religions. Descriptive essays are exactly what they sound like. They involve writing about a person, place, or thing in extreme detail. In these essays, it important to use adjectives. This type of essay is best when you are discussing religious figures or religious artwork. These types of essays are likely to work best as a part of a religious studies essay, rather than the whole essay. Expository essays are concerned with the facts and nothing but the facts. This type of essay is great for religious studies classes when you need to write about historical events, rather than topics based on opinions. While writing these essays, it is best to avoid putting any bias in your paper, as this may make your essay seem less reliable. The last major type of essay is a persuasive essay. With this type of essay, you want your audience to agree with your argument. To do this, you will need to back up your opinion with facts. Make sure to use reliable sources when you do this. One way this could be used in religious studies classes is to write about an opinion you have on a religious matter and explain why your opinion is right by using facts How to Choose the Most Interesting Religious Essay Topics Picking a topic for a religious studies paper can be difficult, especially since religious studies classes often cover a variety of subjects. Below are some topic suggestions with ideas on how to use them in your essay. These topic ideas will work for either Christian religious studies classes or world religion classes. We have put listed at least one topic for every major world religion. Feel free to use any of these topics for your own essay, just make sure to cite your source! Paul brought Christianity to Europe, but he made many changes to the teachings (compared to what Jesus taught). Were these changes for the better or worse?Paul never met Jesus, but he had a dream in which Jesus spoke to him. He often disagreed with Jesus’s apostles who had known him in life. Does Paul’s dream give him the authority to make changes to Christianity or should he have left the teachings of the church to Jesus’s primary disciples? The Five Pillars of Islam help to guide the Muslim faith. How do these pillars compare and contrast to the virtues of other major world religions? Muslims are often prejudged in today’s society. Is there anything in their pillars that make them â€Å"look bad† or are the pillars all positive? How do the pillars affect the way Muslim people should act? Are the pillars similar to virtues in other religions? Discuss. There are four noble truths (four central beliefs) in Buddhism. Are these truths still expressed in Buddhism today? Are they also shown in other religions?Buddhism is an Eastern religion that is practiced in many Asian countries. However, there are several branches/sects of Buddhism. Do all of the branches follow the four noble truths? If so, do they have anything else in common? If not, what are the other branch’s values? Hinduism is one of the world’s oldest religions. Discuss the changes that have occurred in the religion over the years. Are these changes good or bad?Over the centuries, Hinduism is sure to have gone through some changes. How have these changes affected Hindu people? What were some of the primary beliefs of the religion centuries ago and what are they now? There are several Jewish holidays each year. Describe one of these holidays and their significance to the Jewish faith. Some of the most important holidays in Judaism include Hanukkah and Passover. Describe one of these holidays or another prominent Jewish holiday. Write about the history of the holiday and how it is celebrated today. This could make a great expository essay. Writing Tips from Our Experts Now that we’ve discussed some of the types of essays there are and some of the topics that would work well for a religious studies essay, let’s discuss how to actually write the essay. Follow some of the tips below to learn how to organize your paper, write the various parts of the paper, and to learn some editing skills. Pre-Writing The more research and organizing you do before you write a paper, the less time you will have to waste by looking for sources and trying to cure a writer’s block while you are actually writing. There are two basic ways to do this. The first way to save time on your paper is to write an outline for your paper. Outlines are helpful for all sorts of written documents. This includes essays, term papers, and even this very article! This can help you to avoid writer’s block because you will have all of your ideas written out before you even begin writing your essay. When you don’t have to stop to think of new ideas, your writing can flow! You can use this link to be redirected to an essay outline worksheet. This worksheet gives step-by-step instructions to help write an outline. Another thing you can do to make things easier on yourself is to do all of your research and take notes before you even begin writing your paper. Make sure to write down your sources or type up your works cited to save even more time. The more notes you take, the less time you will have to spend rereading your sources later. While this will take up some more time before you start writing your paper, it will save you time in the long-run. One good place to find scholarly sources for your essay is to search by using Google Scholar. Essay Writing: The Importance of Structuring Of course, writing the actual essay is the most important part. There are five basic elements that need to be included in every essay. In this section, we will go over how each of these sections can be applied effectively in your essay. Introduction; Thesis Statement; Body Paragraphs; Conclusion; Reference/ Page. Let’s look at writing an introduction and a thesis statement, as a thesis statement is always a part of the introduction, often as the last sentence in the paragraph. A thesis statement is a one-sentence-long part of the induction that describes what your main argument is and what points you are going to use to support it. An example a thesis statement you could use for a religious studies class is below. ‘The Virgin Mary is an important figurehead in many Christian sects, but women are not always treated fairly in the religion; this essay will discuss the factors, including the role of women in and outside of the physical church.’ To make this into a complete introduction, simply add on a few more sentences (before the thesis statement) to further explain what your essay will discuss. An introduction is usually around four sentences long, with the thesis statement being the main component of the introduction. Keep this in mind as you write your introduction. Body Paragraphs The body paragraphs will make up the bulk of the essay. Most essays in both high school and college classes contain at least three body paragraphs. These paragraphs each have a specific structure that should be followed. The first sentence should work to introduce the main point of the body paragraph. The next two or three sentences should be focused on evidence to support your main point! Make sure to cite your sources! The last paragraph should be a short summary (conclusion) to wrap up the paragraph. Conclusion The conclusion is actually very similar to the introduction. It is only one paragraph long. Instead of introducing the main points of the paper, you are summing up what you already wrote. In this paragraph, make sure to restate your thesis statement and your main points. Once you do this, your paper is almost done! Reference Page A reference page is a vital part of any essay! If you skip this section, you may very well fail your entire paper. This is because if you do not cite your sources, then you can be accused of plagiarism. You are most likely to be required to use MLA or APA formatting with your sources. To learn how to use these citations styles (and more), you can click on this link. The site can also teach you how to use internal sources, which are just as important to have as the sources listed in your reference page. Post-Writing Tips You Can’t Ignore When scheduling time to work on your essay, make sure that you make time for editing your paper. While many students skip this step, editing is the key to improving your overall essay grade. There are a few things that you should always check for when you are editing your essay: spelling and grammar mistakes, accidental plagiarism, and awkward sentence structure. Let’s take a look at how to improve each of these parts of your essay. Whether you are writing your essay in a Word document, in Google Docs, or in a third-party writing program, you are likely to have some sort of grammar and spelling checking system build into the program. While these programs can catch a lot of mistakes, they miss out on a few key features. That’s why it is best to always look over your paper again, or run it through another spelling/grammar checker, like Grammarly. Doing this can help you catch simple mistakes before your teacher does. Next, make sure that you have not accidentally plagiarized. To do this, you will want to make sure that all of your sources are cited both internally and in a page. Read over your paper to make sure you have done this. If after doing this you are still worried, run your paper through a plagiarism checker. One great plagiarism checker for students is Turnitin, which provides free trials of their service. Lastly, look for sentences that just don’t sound right. One of the best ways to do this is to read your paper out loud. Sometimes, when you read in your head, you may skip over awkward lines. Reading out loud can help you to more easily catch these mistakes. You can also have a friend look over your paper, as they might catch something that you didn’t. Well, we hope that these tips can help you to write your religious studies paper. Make sure to check out some of the sources we’ve outlined in this article for additional help. If you follow our tips, you are almost guaranteed to get a passing grade on your essay. Good luck!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How does Charles Dickens create suspense and fear in The Signalman Essays

How does Charles Dickens create suspense and fear in The Signalman Essays How does Charles Dickens create suspense and fear in The Signalman Essay How does Charles Dickens create suspense and fear in The Signalman Essay Essay Topic: Literature Charles Dickens uses many methods to create suspense and fear in The Signalman story. He introduces fear to make the short, ghost story more interesting. Dickens set his ghost story on a railway line, which at the same time has a very modern setting and not a traditional dark, crooked old house. The tale begins with a gripping and dramatic opening line, which instantly grabs the readers attention. The first line introduces the narrator who was left anonymous throughout the story. This instantly builds up tension, as the reader does not know what sort of a person the narrator really is. When the narrator is a character in the story, it makes it easier to know how the person is feeling; this makes the reader more aware of the character and can begin to relate to them. Charles Dickens begins to create fear and suspense in the first couple of lines. The story begins with halloa! Below there! The words were shouted by a mysterious figure standing above the cutting on top of the bridge. It leaves us guessing who had shouted the words; all we know at this point is that it was a figure in the distance. Halloa was an informal welcome in the late 19th century. The actions create mystery, which is effective to create the overall suspense. Also you still havent had any kind of a physical description of the signalman so at this time you dont even know if hes human or not and you cant just make an guess you have to read on. The description of the signalman is also quite fearful as when he describes him with, pale skin, dark hair and eyes, you feel quite scared of him, when they say he has his hand to his chin, that is quite mysterious. You want to know why he has his hand to his chin The signalman is an important character as once they get talking and his actions are very weird to start off with; He stands carefully in the railway with his hand on his chin, not moving a muscle until they are face to face Before he stirred I was near enough to have touched him. Also when they do meet he makes no attempt to start the conversation, instead he looks at the red light Look towards the red light He seems very mysterious and again pretty strange. As they begin to talk again the man becomes slightly threatening and the narrator thinks that he might be a ghost This was a spirit. This is a very tense point in the story because the ghosts identity may have already been given away, but the signalman begins to show fear and asks if they have met before. After their conversation the man leaves and the signalman tells him that on his return journey not call out those words. Halloa! Below there. It builds tension over what these words really mean to the signalman and why he is scared of them. The signalman himself looks mysterious A dark pale man. This would add to the readers suspense and build up the tension, as he gets closer. They go back to the signal box and from his long description you realise that he is quite a knowledgeable man Worked at fractions and decimals. If he is so clever why is he a signalman? He is also a very skilled workman Safest of men to be employed. These questions add mystery to who he really is, which in builds up the suspense. Within their talk, the signalman looks outside toward the tunnel more than once. This creates mystery of whats going to happen, and why does he keep looking out of the box? In the first conversation he tells the man that he is troubled. This makes you ask the question what is he troubled about and does it have anything to do with his weird actions before? Could he be or knows the ghost? These questions make you think about whats about to happen? This also builds suspense. On the mans return visit he is told about the mysterious figure and how it disappeared. It was gone. This long passage describing the ghosts actions adds tension and what is the ghost going to do next? He also clears up his odd actions (when he looked down the tunnel). The ghost says those very same words. We now know that he is not the ghost so some tension is lost but it is now a matter of if the man will see the ghost and what it will say. He also tells the man of the lady who died in the carriage just after he had seen the figure Within six hours after this appearance, the memorable accident happened. You begin to think of the death and the ghosts and start wondering whos next? He is described as seemed to make the place strike colder to me, but I said no more.. This a weird description to give someone, could he be the ghost? As you here about the ghost, the narrators actions are very intriguing,. The man has the same reactions when he hears about the second ghost In the end it is the narrators fault that the signalman dies because if he hadnt called down to him in the first place, the signalman would have looked up as the train came down the tunnel. Below there, look out. The first words of the story are the most decisive words of the story. Could it have been fate? And no matter what had happened between the start of the story and his death, it couldnt have been prevented. The man obviously feels responsible for his death and you feel that if he hadnt called down to the man none of this would of happened. This is quite a mysterious and even more, a scary thought.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The elemments of the funds of knowledge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The elemments of the funds of knowledge - Essay Example The information learned from teachers about their students is the student’s funds of knowledge. The paper captures the elements of funds of knowledge. According to this concept, many families had much knowledge that the learning institutions did not know about and were unused. Researchers realized that there were rural households having some technical and entrepreneurial skills. Each family had some knowledge to share with the rest of the families. Therefore, the sharing of information creates a network that when harnessed can be a precious intellectual resource. The concept advocates that the teachers have a role in developing effective instructional approaches that enhance learning. Additionally, teachers must use activities that involve students as thoughtful learners in a socially meaningful task. In conclusion, the researcher behind this concept urges teachers to create their social networks of providing help to one another in taking advantage of the community resources. The student’s reliance on the teacher grows steadily while the resources in the community continuously become scarce. In employing the concept, teachers will have a better opportunity in helping minority and bilingual kids achieve authentic literacy. Hence, they will foster a sense of togetherness in the community and bestow an efficient system of